Thursday, May 28, 2009

Silvester Anfang

"Silvester Anfang hail from Flanders, channeling an ancient spirit of blasphemous anarchy, transposing the nameless fiends of yore as free-flowing ritual psych occultic Flemish rock. Kosmies Slachtafval (trans. "kosmic slaughterhouse sweepings/debris") sees Silvester Anfang in dark, post-krautrock, heavy jam mode: guitars, bass, keys, flute and percussion combine with vocals to create a doomy funeral psych rich in the textures of ritual and worship. Through a series of cassette tapes and CD-r's released in micro editions, the arcane Belgians have garnered a fearsome and mysterious reputation for dark intense musical outpouring and idolatry. We are very proud to foist their first ever full length compact disc release onto an unsuspecting public."

Nothing more to say. Here you can purchase the goods!

Silvester Anfang - Kosmies Slachtafval

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